
Banal: Vampires' Fans and Foes

Just in time for the debut of Eclipse, I pick on Twilight's melodramatic critics. Although the nitpickers have a point given how wacky some of the Twihards truly are.

Like this lady senator questioning Elena Kagan, during her confirmation hearings, about the lead male characters. Trrrrrite. At least, no one asked Sonia Sotomayor which Harry Potter character was her favorite.

Update: Another record-breaking opening!

Forbes summarizes what Twilight's top players are making. (Hint: They're loaded!)

'Nother update: New twist on Twi-hards. The Big Hollywood editor thinks the series is a welcome respite from all things Lady Gaga. Given the 'porn lite' teen girls are now bombarded with, he's got a point.

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